Mission Beach artist wins second place award

by SDNEWS staff

mb artist

Judy Janc, an artist and resident of Mission Beach, won second place in the February San Diego Watercolor Society (SDWS) members’ gallery exhibition “Vibrations.” Her work was selected from 259 submissions.

Janc’s painting titled “Jazz Hands” was selected by prominent local artist Richard Hawk for the honor. “Great storytelling in this painting,” Hawk said. “I see two humans lost individually and together in a moment, a sense of what the two figures are feeling through body language. Relaxed, deft paint handling and musical notations subtly treated. The piece is intrinsically pleasing in its directness and strength. Bravo.”

Janc grew up in Indiana where she pursued the dance arts in her younger years and in college. She moved to San Diego in the early 1960s and started painting after retiring in 2001, at which time she was encouraged to join the SDWS.

She is pleased to have received several awards in the last 20 years including a signature membership in the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies. Janc is inspired by seascapes as well as the figure in motion. This painting was developed in response to Bob Fosse’s remarkable choreography in his Broadway shows.

The SDWS exhibit will run through Saturday, March 1. Paintings can be viewed and purchased at the gallery and sdws.org/galleryart.php?cat=7067.

More information can be found at sdws.org.



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