MADCAPS benefit show to take flight at Point Loma Nazarene

Mother and Daughters Club Assisting Philanthropies is holding its 64th Annual Benefit Show titled “Take Flight! on Madcaps Airlines” this weekend.
The event will be held Friday, March 8 at 7 p.m. and Saturday, March 9 at 5 p.m., at Brown Chapel, Point Loma Nazarene University, 3900 Lomaland Drive. Tickets are on sale at
MADCAPS is a Point Loma volunteer organization comprised of mothers and their daughters in seventh through 12th grades. This year, the group has volunteered more than 8,000 hours to local charities, and its annual benefit show raises money to help support those served.

The theme for 2024 harkens back to a time when air travel was an experience, with top-notch service, snazzy flight crews, and exotic destinations around the world. MADCAP’s around-the-world flight will touch down in New York, London, Paris, Honolulu, Hawaii, and Rio and then end back in Los Angeles. Each destination will take passengers (the audience) to experience a song-and-dance routine with the MADCAPS: Think vintage Pan Am.
Heather Nelson, co-chair of the 64th Annual Madcaps Benefit Show, talked about this year’s airline theme being appropriate given that, “Point Loma is under San Diego International Airport’s flight path, so we are always aware of the flights zooming overhead and many in our community are employed in the industry.”
She added: “Each (MADCAPS) class will touch down in an exotic location and present a song-and-dance routine that highlights their culture. We definitely have a vintage vibe going this year.”
Concerning the benefit show’s significance, Nelson noted it “is a way to bring MADCAPS members and the community together to highlight and honor the charities we serve and raise money to support their programs. Funds raised at the show are then divided up and each core charity is presented with a check. In recent years we have given over $100,000 annually to the nonprofits we serve. Since 1960, MADCAPS has raised more than $1 million and performed hundreds of thousands of volunteer hours for various philanthropies in San Diego.”
Noting planning for the benefit show is done a “full year in advance involving our entire membership plus many outside professionals to execute,” Nelson discussed MADCAPS’ Class of 2030.
“The incoming class of sixth graders has 42 junior members (daughters) and they will serve as ushers for our show and will be introduced at the beginning of the show,” she said. “It has been a MADCAPS tradition to have all the girls wear white dresses to their first benefit show, and that tradition continues this year. If anyone is interested in joining our organization, MADCAPS opens to a new class of incoming senior members (mothers) and junior members (daughters) every fall.”

Membership requirements include:
- Junior members must be entering sixth grade;
- Prospective members must reside in ZIP codes 92103, 92106, 92107, or 92110 at the time of application;
- Prospective members must submit their interest form and application by any stated deadlines;
- Prospective members must attend a new member information meeting.
MADCAPS was established on May 24, 1960, when a group of 27 mothers got together to discuss an invitation to form a San Diego Chapter of the National Charity League. They decided against it and voted to form a new organization complete with a new name. On Sept. 17, 1960, MADCAPS made its debut at a tea for 50 charter members and their 46 daughters, who shared a common goal to volunteer for and support philanthropic organizations.
The first MADCAPS fashion show, titled “Springtime for Teens,” was held in March 1961 at the Stardust Hotel. That year, $529 was raised and presented to the Child Guidance Clinic. From 1961 through 1973, girls and sometimes moms modeled outfits from Don Heller’s store in Ocean Beach. The annual fashion show included skits and a dessert luncheon. The shows also had a theme, including “Madcappers Tea Party” and “Our Fair Ladies.” Today’s benefit shows are no longer fashion shows, but the tradition of a theme still continues.
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